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Serial Cleaners Game Review

“That’s not how I’m referring to it.”

New York City, New Year’s Eve 1999. A group of unorthodox professional mob cleaning staff is gathered to have a drink and talk about their work in the early millenium. The details of their stories stop matching with each other, the dark details of their relationship begin to surface. What began as a the celebration of a decade of common history turns into an uneasy and possibly dangersome clash.

They’ll come to you at an unusual time within your daily routine.

Serial Cleaners is a tribute to cinema in the 90s. From Tarantino’s masterpieces, to B-movies with cult characters, action favorites and more. Serial Cleaners mixes those familiar locations, characters and scenes to create its unique take on an era of enthusiasm and desperation. The intricate soundtrack is comprised of various kinds of music that were influential in the last 20 years of twentieth century: From East Coast hip-hop to metal industrial metal, and even rave. Doesn’t matter if the sound of “your” nineties was defined through the clubs, music festivals or the radio, we’ve got it covered.

Keep your mouth shut. Don’t feel any emotion. Do not leave a trace

Four characters are represented and Four perspectives. Four different play ways. The ability to use street smarts, brute force technological innovation or old-fashioned techniques of the trade allows you to face a similar obstacle much differently. Select your way along the narrative by choosing the section of the story you wish to listen to next. You can then approach each mission in the manner you’d like. Employ stealth, understanding and speed when the circumstances or your experience – warrants it. For the purpose of eradicating the decade’s mark, you need to get rid of the dead bodies as well as any other evidence that could be an imminent threat prior to the time when the next millenium comes around!

As reviewed by mha sex comics